

my 9.11 (4)english

9.11 同時多発テロの日の様子を日記にしました。

 前回からの続き。 ついにツインタワーが一本になってしまいました。

 After one of the towers' gone, we started searching for info. about the incident. I wanted to know what was happening and why it happened.

 But, we could not find anything better.

 I was getting tired, so I went out to smoke. (I used to smoke cigarette...)

 I saw several friends outside and talked about the accident. Some already knew about it and some didn't.

 I had no class until afternoon, so I usually went out the campus and hung out, or stay in the libe finishing assingments for afternoon's classes.

 This day, I decided to stay in the libe coz I wanted to know what was happening. On the way back to the computer room, I saw a plane crushing into a tower on TV in conference room.

 First time I saw it, I thought it was the first plane and TV obtained the pic finally. But after a while, I realized that it was the second one. Now, both towers had gone...

 (The fact is that 2nd one hit the tower before the first one collapsed, but I misunderstood at the time becasue I'd never imagined two plaines.)

 And I knew it was terrorism, definitely not mere an accident.

 But question was "who?"

 my 9.11 (5)に続く
